Region Meet

Remeber all PADA members get along to Bridge of Allan this weekend for the Scottish Region Meet, catch up with friends old and new, enjoy the entertainment and most importantly help PADA retain the Inter DA Trophy.

See you there

PADA Calander

We now have a PADA Calander on the website, If you would like to have this calander on your smart phone or tablet and have the calander handy along with automatic updates to the calander when we make a change or provide infor about a particular meet send and email through our feedback page with your name, membership number and email address an I will add you to the calander updates and send you details on how to get it running on your device.



Pheasant Chatter 2015

Hot off the press from our Magazine Editor Lesley Motgomery, is the latest Pheasant Chatter, please go to the website and click Pheasant Chatter heading and you will find the links to all the copies of the Pheassant Chatter.

Please support Lesley and the DA by providing articles, reports, news items, recipes etc for the next copy of  The Pheasant Chatter

Thanks Lesley for pulling it all together.

2015 fixtures

With the 2014 season drawing to a close we have finalised the 2015 meet calander and have updated the meets page, the youth page has also been updated with whats on in 2015.

If you would like to help out by Stewarding any of the meets please get in touch.

Thanks for all your support during 2014 and we hope to see you out and about in 2015


2015 THS Pennon Competition

Get your minds into gear, your paints and brushes, pens and pencils and paper out and get designing.

Just a quick reminder to everyone, that there is a competition to design a pennon for the PADA THS’s for 2015, why not draw your design (or even 2) and try to get into the PADA halls of Fame.

Come along to our Halloween Meet and put your design in for the judging, if you cant make it just email it to one of the committee before Wednesday 29th October.

Please remember only white and 2 other colours can be used including the background colour

We look forward to seeing all your designs.